Category Archive: Uncategorized

I have enough actually I have more than enough.

It’s almost the end of the year and I start contemplating life. I’ve come to the realization that I have always had enough actually I have more than enough. I never had to… Continue reading


I received my first postcrossing card from Italy! Postcrossing The goal of this project is to allow people to receive postcards from all over the world, for free. Well, almost free! The main… Continue reading

Summer Time Events.

I forgot to announce this on the blog but my friend and I had a craft table at the Blim Market yesterday on 12th ave and main street. I didn’t sell much but… Continue reading

Hooray! has been updated.

The Great Food Revolution.

I’ve been watching some interesting documentaries on CBC. There was a four part documentary called The Great Food Revolution that I quite enjoyed. Click here to watch the episodes.

Carbaret Mechanical Theatre

I wish this place still existed in England. I love mechanical things. Paul Spooner is one of my favourite automata makers. The Poisoned Milk is his. I like his sense of humour.

more stop motion.

you probably already seen this but just in case you haven’t.

I’m a graduate!

Hooray! Time for some rest and relaxation before I start up again.

One more weekend filled with cutting, drawing, pasting.

At least my badges are done for my grad project. Gone Sideways are workshops designed for children to challenge the way they think and see by using ordinary materials. A big thank you… Continue reading

One down…two more to go…

My Soft Product Design class is officially over as of Monday. This class was fantastic.  I maded tons and tons of mistakes but I learned a lot. My seam ripper and I became… Continue reading